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learn Tailwind CSS 3 seriously then that will be the best course for you. First, what is tailwind CSS? Tailwind is a utility-first CSS framework to rapidly build modern websites without ever leaving your HTML. it's a massive collection of tiny CSS utility classes for quickly and consistently building good-looking websites and it's a most demanding CSS framework nowadays.
✔️ How i design this course
First, you will learn all the basic fundamentals of Tailwind CSS 3 . You will learn all tailwind CSS utility classes with one-by-one live examples so it will help you to build one strong foundation of tailwind CSS. Then together with all fundamental experiences, you will develop multiple real-life projects. In Our first project will be you will build one complete basic blog site design then you will go deeper and you will complete this total journey by developing one complete professional eCommerce template design from scratch.
✔️ Blog Project
I don't want to jump right into the projects, though you certainly could if you want. So the first three sections, we will be working on the basic fundamentals of Tailwind CSS 3. Then you will start to build One complete blog project. In to this blog project you will build one home page and post a details page where I will use multiple tailwind CSS utility classes. And also you will learn how to make this so much responsive website with using tailwind.
✔️ Ecommerce-Projects
Next, we will take what we learn in the basic fundamentals and blog project. Then you will start to build one complete professional eCommerce template design from scratch. You will create all most every pages for the eCommerce site. Like
Having some experience with CSS are necessary. Experience with other CSS frameworks like Bootstrap will help but are not mandatory. Using a code editor
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.
After learning the hard way, Tim was determined to become the best teacher he could, and to make his training as painless as possible, so that you, or anyone else with the desire to become a software developer, could become one.
If you want to become a financial analyst, a finance manager, an FP&A analyst, an investment banker, a business executive, an entrepreneur, a business intelligence analyst, a data analyst, or a data scientist, Tim Buchalka's courses are the perfect course to start.
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